Getting Back to Normal After COVID

Looking Back – Letting Go – Moving Forward Travel is back in full force after three years of uncertainty. The WHO has ended the worldwide emergency and in general the world has opened up, allowing travel to most places. I think we are finally getting back to normal after COVID. So where will you go?…

Planning for International Travel 2021

As travel starts to open back up, planning is more important than ever…particularly when you are planning to travel to a different country. Over the last several months, the level of difficulty with achieving international travel has varied drastically. Surprisingly, the most difficult (between US and UK anyway) seems to have been during March 2021….

Winter Hiking at Ancient Lakes

This winter has been incredibly warm, with little snow in the valleys, and that quickly melting in the lower elevations. While this has not been good for winter sports, it makes some of the hiking trails accessible at a time when they typically would not be. This weekend, we headed up to Ancient Lakes, just…